Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Already 3 Years!!!

I can't believe that it has been three years since we were married! Time has just flown by! This past weekend we celebrated by going to Vegas! My mom came to Cedar and watched Emma for us while we had a weekend away. It was so hard leaving my baby and I missed her tons, but it was really nice to get away with my Amazing hubby and just have US time!! So I have to tell my Mom thanks for helping it happen for us!

We had a lot of fun! To begin with we were going to be staying at THE Hotel at the Mandalay Bay Hotel but when we arrived to check in there was no power in THE Hotel so they told us we would have to stay there at the main wing, which was fine with me but I could tell Andrew was a little bugged..he wanted his suite! The room was really nice anyway..even though it had two queen beds ;) ..I thought it was pretty crazy though that the whole building was out of power...you don't see that often in vegas! It was this huge black spot surrounded by lights everywhere else!

On Saturday Andrew was so sweet he had gotten us tickets to go see the Bodies Exhibit! I had been wanting to go so badly and each time we have been in Vegas we haven't been able to go for various reasons...so this time we went!! I absolutely LOVED it!! The human body is so absolutely amazing to me! I can't even begin to understand how there are those that don't believe that we were created by a God! There is absoulutely no way to explain it any other way! I knew that the body was complex but actually seeing EVERYTHING made it that much more crazy to me! I was in Awe...Andrew said he enjoyed it but I doubt as much as I did! So thanks babe for taking me! After the exhibit we wanted to go to the Vegas Temple. I had only been outside of it and wanted to go to a session badly so we set off....and wow we drove forever! After getting our first set of directions we ended up way South of where the Temple was, so we stopped to get gas and Andrew braved up and asked the clerk if he knew how to get to the LDS Temple. The clerk said you mean the big Mormon building on the Hill?! To our amazement he knew where it was and gave us perfect directions to it!! It took us a good half hour to drive from where we were to the temple, so by this time we had been driving for almost two hours! We then pull up to the temple and just our luck...the temple was closed for cleaning!! After all of that I still didn't get to go into the temple! Needless to say we were pretty bummed...we will never forget how to get there again...and it was so simple basically just go East from our Hotel! Atleast we had lots of laughs and great time to visit!

We then spent the remainder of the day walking the strip, eating, shopping, and just being together! We had dinner at the ESPN Zone and were able to watch the first half of the BYU game. Even though they didn't play the greatest it was fun watching it and being the only BYU fans around us with a bunch of Arizona fans!

I had my first experience of GAMBLING! I only wanted to gamble a dollar but all Andrew had was a five so I took it and to no surprise lost it all after about thirty minutes of entertainment on the penny slots! I definately wouldn't ever have a problem with gambling...I hate just throwing away money!! Now atleast I can say I have done it!

It turned out to be such a great weekend! We were really excited to see Em when we got home though..we had both missed her tons! A little shout out to my hubby...Thanks for such a fun time and for always treating me like a Queen! You are the most amazing husband, thanks for always making me laugh and making me want to be better! I don't know how I ever got you but I am truly grateful! I love you tons and tons...mwa!



Happy late anniversary!! Isn't it crazy how time flies!?! Glad you guys were able to get away to Vegas and have such a great time!! I agree the Body's exhibit was AMAZING!! I could spend hours there! :) Did you guys do the Titanic while you were there too?? If not we should all go down to it I've heard it is pretty cool too! Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Hayley said...

Three years?! Are you serious?! Where did the time go....that is CRAZY!!! I'm glad you had such a great time in VEGAS, I agree with the gambling thing, but hey it is cheap fun!! Have a good Christmas :)

Makell Wintle said...

holy cow, three years!? You guys are pros! Jed and I just celebrated our first year on the 15th! When did you get married again? I think i'm with andrew on the bodies exhibit... too weird. I'm glad you guys had fun! Yay!

Andrea said...

Sounds like fun! Im glad you guys were able to get away.
We didn't get to go to Vegas either. We forgo our church clothes when we were down there. We'll just have to do St George Temple together in Feb

Daphne A. Quist said...

I loved the exhibit as well- I agree that it is a humbling site and witness that we are created by a very loving and thoughtful Father in Heaven. Glad you had a great time! Next time the temple, right:) I was giggling! Just the luck of two LDS people in Vegas! I also one 250 dollars on the penny slots on 10.00! Double it and you may win!!!

Jared and Katie said...

I just noticed that your hair is short! I love it! It's so cute!! You and Andrew were always so cute to each other! Way to go on making it another year :) Merry Christmas!

Jessica said...

I must be a REALLY bad sister because I had NO idea you guys went to Vegas. I am jealous of Body Worlds, you will have to tell me all about it. Looks like you had a blast!