Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun Fun Fun!!

The past few weeks we have really busy doing lots of fun things! Summers are just the best...and it's flying by WAY to fast!!
We were able to go to Salt Lake and hang out with family and go to the Bees game, which was fun but we ended up leaving in the middle of it because of rain...still fun though! I miss watching Andrew play and going to the games..good times...but I definitely don't miss him being gone every weekend!!
Then we went to Zion to camp and go Canyoneering! Daph, Mitch, Lexi, and my Mom all came down with us. We enjoyed the night setting up camp, eating, roasting marshmallows, and talking around the campfire...
And of course Ems enjoyed exploring and getting usual! She stands by herself...but doesn't walk yet...

Aren't these 3 so cute!

The next morning we were off! This was my first time excited!! Thanks to my Mom for watching Lex and Ems I was able to finally go with Andrew!! Thank you MOM, you are the BEST!!!
Here is the crew that went...Russell, Hayley, Me, Andrew, Mitch, and Daph

The next pics aren't in order of the canyon...but I had so many I had a hard time choosing!! This is Russell and Andrew, thanks to Russell for always going first to belay us in case we needed saving!!

Me on the final repel!

The hike out after making it through the canyon..

Daph on the last repel...which is a free hanging repel...she did awesome even though she was just a little bit scared;)

Isn't is just gorgeous!

Bad pic....but here is our great guide! Thanks babe for taking me, it was so fun!! xoxo
The canyon was filled with water most of the we had to repel into water and then swim in many places or wade through it....and it wasn't warm! It was really really cold and we were FREEZING!! Here we finally reached some sunlight so we were trying to unthaw!

Hayley and Russell! These two are pros and helped Daph, Mitch, and I (The inexperienced) Thanks for coming with us!!

Mitch getting set up for the first repel..Daph was behind me and she was trying to be brave, I could tell, but she was crazy nervous sending her little boy down;) Mitch was a pro, not nervous at all!!
Lexi and Ems playing at the park with Grandma while we were canyoneering!

We then were able to have Lex stay with us for a few days...which was lots of fun! She was tons of help with Ems and Ems loved having her to play with! Lex not only entertained, she helped pick up, made her bed everyday(what a good girl), made us laugh and laugh, and was Andrew's little helper was so fun having her! Thanks Lex for staying with us and for all of your help!
Here they are both painting!
A trip to the park...great place!!

Swimming! Emma and Lex...if you look close you can see Emma's two new teeth on the bottom!!!!!
Then we went to our cousin's wedding up Millcreek Canyon. Lynsie looked gorgeous and the atmosphere was beautiful! It was fun seeing everyone and getting to visit with family. I forgot to take my camera..due to our crazy morning leaving so I don't have any pics from the wedding except this family pic we had taken!
The next day we were able to go to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house. It was absolutely beautiful! Andrew loved it because it was set up the same way as the Preston Temple in England. There is just a beauty about temples that you don't find anywhere else!
Just thought I would put this in of my little helper trying to help me unload the dishwasher...I can't turn my back for a minute!!


Hayley said...

You better not be sending that check back my dear! The pics you got in the canyon are great, I might have to get ya to e-mail them to me when you get a second?!

What a fun Summer for you, it looks like you are having a blast and enjoying that little kid of yours. So happy for ya! Hopefully I'll see ya soon :)

Daphne A. Quist said...

Wow! This turned out darling! I'm gonna steal some of the pictures!! We had such a great time and so did Lex! It was such a good thing for her & gaveme hope for when I receive another little orphie! Can't wait to see you guys soon! Love ya! & Thanks again!

Michael & Lindsey said...

Awesome Tamara! It looks like you guys are having a ton of fun this summer - I loved those pictures. I guess your proof that you can still be adventurous as ever even with a little one. Glad to see you guys are having a great time. Hope all is well with you. :)

Cam and Chelsea said...

It's so funny to see Emma in the dishwasher like that... Cahleb does the exact same thing! It's true, though, you can't turn your back for a second. I did the other day, and Cahleb slipped on the rug in the kitchen and got a little black eye. :( Not fun for momma, but he was back to his old self within a couple minutes. Anyway, looks like you guys are having fun!

Tina said...

Fun adventures!! Way to go! Glad you are having lots of fun this summer! I can't believe how fast Emma is growing up. She's such a cutie! And yes I did get to go see Lance and Tyce when they were in Nauvoo, thanks for asking. It was lots of fun even though not for very long. I'm going to post about it eventually:)

Clint and Krista said...

That looks like so much fun.But i would never do it because I am so scared of heights lol Emma is so cute . You are so lucky:)

Andrea said...

How fun!? I better not show BJ the repelling pics, he will be so jealous. It looks like you have been having a great summer.
And yes... you did see a little tummy... ALREADY! :)

Wave Photography said...

Cute blog I found yours through your sister stocking mine so I figured I would stock yours!! I cant believe how big your little girl is already. Time really does fly!