Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Easter in Texas!

Easter was a lot of fun this year. Definitely different than being in Utah but still fun. This is Emma in her Easter dress.
Coloring eggs!
She even made one for Lukas ;)
Her beauties..
Found all her eggs in the house and now is off to find them outside!
Great eyes little lady.. She was so much fun to watch as she would get so excited each time she would see an egg!
Her loot!!
She played with the eggs forever! At one time this is how I found them ;)
Emma and I went to an Easter egg hunt with people in our ward. This is Emma and her little friend she loves!
I just loved watch her run to find her 6 eggs!!
Even her elephants made the whole hunt! She loves these elephants to pieces!!!

1 comment:

Daphne A. Quist said...

Oh how totally cute! I think she is going to love math, or at least be good at it! you lucky lady!!